
11 Inspirational Books For Moving Abroad

I’ve been blessed to have some amazing experiences while living abroad over the last 6 years.  I’ve literally seen my dreams become a reality.  I truly believe anyone can do it and I’m constantly saying that I’m no different from anyone else.  There’s a certain thrill to stepping outside your comfort zone and making the seemingly impossible real. But let’s be honest, the journey isn’t always smooth sailing. It requires courage, determination, and a healthy dose of inspiration.

Chasing Your Dreams: A Reading List for the Inspired

To help you on your path to achieving your goals, I’ve curated a list of books that have profoundly impacted my life and helped me chase my dreams and I truly hope they inspire you too. If you have no idea on how to get started with your life abroad then these books offer invaluable insights, practical advice, and a wealth of motivation to help you step outside your comfort zone, channel your inner strength and embrace the unknown.

1. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

inspirational books

Gay Hendricks, a renowned therapist and author, presents a compelling argument that our dreams are not just fantasies but essential for our growth and fulfillment. In The Big Leap, he introduces the concept of “the zone of genius,” where we find true joy and purpose. By understanding the barriers that keep us from entering this zone, we can learn to overcome limiting beliefs and take the necessary steps to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

2. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes, the powerhouse creator of hit shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, shares her personal journey of saying “yes” to everything for a year. This bold experiment led to incredible opportunities and personal growth. Rhimes’s story is a testament to the power of stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing new experiences. Her book offers practical advice on how to overcome fear, build confidence, and pursue your passions with unwavering determination.

3. The Four Agreements and The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz

These two books offer timeless wisdom from ancient Toltec tradition. The Four Agreements outline simple yet profound principles for living a fulfilling life: be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your  best. The Fifth Agreement, a more recent addition, emphasizes the importance of being skeptical and questioning the beliefs that limit us. By following these agreements, we can free ourselves from self-limiting beliefs and live with greater peace and purpose.  

4. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of the mind and its role in our lives, The Untethered Soul is a must-read. Singer offers a clear and practical guide to meditation and mindfulness, helping readers to quiet the mind and connect with their true nature. By learning to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, we can break free from negative patterns and live with greater clarity and freedom.

5. Living Untethered by Michael A. Singer

This sequel to The Untethered Soul delves deeper into the concept of freedom and self-discovery. Singer explores the idea that true freedom comes from letting go of our attachments to things, people, and beliefs. By embracing uncertainty and living in the present moment, we can experience a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.

6. Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist and author, presents a groundbreaking approach to personal transformation. In Becoming Supernatural, he explains how we can harness the power of our minds to create a new reality. By changing our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, we can rewire our brains and manifest our desires. This book offers practical exercises and techniques to help you tap into your full potential and achieve extraordinary results.

7. Vibrate Higher Daily by Lailah Deliah

This inspirational collection of quotes and affirmations offers daily guidance for living a more positive and fulfilling life. Deliah’s words encourage readers to raise their vibrations and attract positive experiences. By focusing on gratitude, love, and compassion, we can create a more harmonious and joyful reality.

8. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

While not directly about chasing dreams, Rich Dad Poor Dad offers invaluable financial advice that can help you achieve your goals. Kiyosaki’s book challenges traditional notions of wealth and teaches readers about investing, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. By understanding the principles of financial freedom, you can create a solid foundation for pursuing your dreams without financial worries.

9. Happy Money by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton

Happy Money is a guide to financial well-being that emphasises the importance of mindset and emotional connection to money. Honda argues that by shifting our beliefs and attitudes towards money, we can create more fulfilling financial lives. The book offers practical strategies for managing money, such as budgeting, saving, and investing, while also exploring the spiritual and psychological aspects of wealth.

10. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

While not directly about chasing dreams, this book offers valuable insights into the impact of trauma on the body and mind. Van der Kolk explains how unresolved trauma can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms. By understanding the role of trauma in our lives, we can take steps to heal and overcome its effects. This can be particularly important for those who have experienced traumatic events that have hindered their ability to pursue their dreams.

These books offer a wealth of inspiration, motivation, and practical advice to help you chase your dreams with confidence and determination. By incorporating the wisdom from these pages into your life, you can overcome obstacles, unlock your full potential, and create the life you desire.

Remember, the journey to achieving your dreams is a personal one. There will be setbacks, challenges, and moments of doubt. But with the right mindset, support, and inspiration, you can overcome any obstacle and create a life that is truly extraordinary.

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