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Our Experience With Safetywing Travel Insurance

You have your suitcases packed, passports ready, and a world of possibility stretching before you. Living abroad and being Global Citizens carries a magic like no other and it’s been our reality for the last 6 years living this adventurous life in 14 countries and counting. 

But before you leap off into the adventure of a lifetime, let’s talk about one of the least spoken-about topics on the interwebs.  Ensuring your family’s safety and well-being is paramount on this journey you’re about to embark on. This is where insurance, specifically one designed for digital nomads and those living abroad, enters the picture.  We’ve personally claimed twice with Safetywing travel insurance during our time abroad so you know that what you are reading right now is based on personal experience.  

Safetywing Travel Insurance

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You Need Travel Insurance

Let’s be honest, accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere, anytime. A sprained ankle in the bustling streets of Tokyo, a bout of food poisoning in the heart of Rome – these situations can quickly derail your travel plans and leave you facing hefty medical bills.

Traditional travel insurance can be a confusing maze. Restrictive coverage zones,  time limitations, and exclusions for pre-existing conditions often leave you wondering if you’re truly protected. That’s why, for our family, finding the right insurance was a non-negotiable.

SafetyWing, Affordable Insurance For Your Life Abroad

Enter SafetyWing, a travel insurance provider that truly understands the needs of Global Citizens.  SafetyWing offers travel medical insurance plans, specifically designed for remote workers and frequent travelers. Their most popular plan, Nomad Insurance, covers unexpected medical emergencies, accidents, and illness while you’re outside your home country. They also offer Nomad Health, which focuses on providing more extensive health coverage for living abroad. Another awesome recent feature is that you can also now add on theft coverage for your most precious electronics. 

Note: Their website states that they only cover up to 39 years of age but I know people in their 40s and 50s who have got cover so don’t let that put you off applying.  I think 18-39 is just their targeted age group.

Here’s what makes SafetyWing a great fit for our family adventures:

  • Global Coverage: The beauty of being a nomadic family is the freedom to explore – and SafetyWing reflects that. Their coverage extends to over 175 countries, giving us peace of mind no matter where our wanderlust takes us.
  • Affordability:  At approximately $70 a month as a family of 4, it’s an affordable option to ensure that the emergencies that crop up from time to time are covered.  
  • Flexibility for the Flexible Lifestyle: Unlike traditional travel insurance with fixed dates (usually a maximum of 30 days) and destinations, SafetyWing offers monthly plans that do not require you to return to your home country. This allows us to tailor our coverage as needed, whether it’s a quick European city break or a longer stint teaching English in Southeast Asia.
  • Simplicity is Key: Juggling work, homeschooling, and exploring keeps us busy. SafetyWing’s straightforward sign-up process and clear policy terms mean less time deciphering legalese and more time making memories.
  • Remote Support, Always There: Medical emergencies can strike anywhere. SafetyWing’s 24/7 customer support provides a vital lifeline whenever we need medical assistance or have questions about our plan.
  • Designed for Nomads: SafetyWing understands the realities of remote work and family travel. Their plans cater to digital nomads and their families, offering coverage for trip cancellations due to illness, lost checked luggage, and even political evacuations.
  • Quick Turnaround: Safetywing has recently updated their claim processing time from 30-45 business days to 7-10 business days so you don’t need to wait long at all to reimbursed your out-of-pocket expenses. 

Our Personal Experience Claiming With SafetyWing

Words are powerful, but I want to share our personal experiences of the two occasions we’ve had to make a claim with SafetyWing

Blood Transfusion In Mexico

At the end of 2020, while we were living in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, AJ was working a bit too hard and ended up extremely dehydrated and bleeding internally.  He lost so much blood that he needed a blood transfusion.  It was honestly, one of the scariest times of our lives and could have left us with a £25,000 bill but thankfully we had Safetwing.  We had to spend $5000 out of pocket because in Mexico they make you pay a deposit of $2500 upfront for treatment.  We had to pay double that because of the amount of blood AJ needed. I can’t lie, it was quite longwinded having to go through Safetywing and their underwriters along with the hospital and their underwriters, it was a lot of phone calls and sending evidence so make sure you take pictures of all your receipts, even for initial doctors appointments and medication.
It took 3 months for Safetywing to pay back our $5000 but they did and they paid in full less the $250 deductible. I’m very grateful that we only had to pay $250 out of almost $25,000.  Safetywing has now updated their claims processing times so as long as you have everything in order you won’t have to wait as long as we did. 

Lost Luggage In London

 We were returning to London for the Summer 2023 and a suitcase with mine and Taji’s clothes did not arrive.  Now you have to bear in mind that as Digital Nomads we carry almost all of our belongings when we travel so this was almost all of our clothes that was lost by British Airways.  Again, thankfully because we had our Safetywing insurance we were able to get about $3000 returned to us.  This again took about 3 months for them to send over the money.  We had to send as many pictures as we could, receipts and descriptions of what was inside our case. Iit was not a fun process but I’m grateful we got there eventually.

You hear so many horror stories about insurers not paying out and I’m thankful that we can say on both occasions that was not our experience.  What typically could end up costing families tens of thousands for us was mostly just a $250 deductible (no deductible for the lost luggage). 

It’s important for me to be frank and honest with you. SafetyWing isn’t perfect or a replacement for common sense or responsible travel behaviour. Do your due diligence, look after yourself and your belongings the best you can.  However, SafetyWing provides a crucial layer of protection, mitigating financial worries in case of unexpected medical situations or travel disruptions.

Create A Safety Net Within Your Safety Net

While SafetyWing offers fantastic coverage, it’s crucial to remember that this insurance typically has deductibles and may not cover all expenses. This is where having a healthy savings buffer becomes essential.

Here’s why a dedicated emergency savings account is a wise move for any Global family:

  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: SafetyWing reimburses covered emergency costs, but some medical bills or prescriptions may have deductibles. Having savings allows you to cover these initial costs without financial strain.  Also, with Safetywing you generally have to pay the upfront costs and then claim it back at a later date.  So we needed to have $5000 upfront when AJ ended up in the hospital.  You could need to be able to forgo this amount for a few months while you wait. So ideally have this amount in savings or have a healthy credit card. 
  • Unforeseen Expenses: Travel disruptions like flight cancellations or lost passports can lead to unexpected expenses. A savings buffer helps you navigate these situations smoothly.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a financial cushion for emergencies fosters a sense of security and allows you to focus on enjoying your travels with your family.
  • Check ups and Minor Ailments: As we know Safeywings primary focus is on emergency cover so that means you’ll need to ensure you have the funds to cover minor treatments and checkups or you may want to opt for full health insurance coverage.   Of course these costs will vary in different countries  and depending on the treatment required so you’ll want to weigh up the best options for your needs,  For us we’ve utilised specialist ENT doctors for ear infections costing about £30 per appointment, my antenatal appointments were about £25 each in Mexico.  We’ve paid £15 for fillings in Thailand.  The odd ailments can strick at any time so you want to make sure that you have money put aside just in case.  I would set up a dedicated health savings account that you contribute to every month so you’re prepared for any surprises that might pop up at any time.  

Building Your Travel Savings: Practical Tips

Now that we’ve established the importance of savings, let’s explore some practical tips for building your travel savings fund:

  • Budgeting is Key: Track your income and expenses to identify areas where you can cut back. Every penny saved contributes to your travel safety net.
  • Embrace Minimalism: Living a minimalist lifestyle on the road reduces your reliance on material possessions. Consider capsule wardrobes and budget accommodation to save money.
  • Side Hustles are Your Friend: Freelancing, online tutoring, or even selling crafts can generate additional income for your travel fund.
  • Travel During Off-Peak Seasons: Accommodation and travel costs are often lower during off-peak seasons. This allows you to stretch your budget further.
  • Cook More Often: Eating out frequently can drain your travel savings. Exploring local markets and preparing meals together can be a fun and budget-friendly way to experience new cultures.

Is SafetyWing Right for You?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but for our family, SafetyWing has been a game-changer. It’s affordable, flexible, and specifically designed for the needs of living abroad. Think about your travel style, budget, and risk tolerance to determine if SafetyWing aligns with your family’s needs.

SafetyWing + Savings: A Winning Combo

SafetyWing, combined with a healthy travel savings account, creates a robust safety net for your global adventures. This two-pronged approach ensures you’re financially prepared for a wide range of situations, allowing you to explore the world with confidence and peace of mind.

Ultimately, the decision to embrace a life abroad is a brave and rewarding one. By prioritising safety through responsible travel practices, comprehensive insurance like SafetyWing, and a dedicated emergency savings account, you can turn your family’s wanderlust into unforgettable experiences, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Now, pack your bags, grab your passports, and get ready to embark on your own incredible adventure!

FAQs About Safetwing Travel Insurance

3. What isn’t covered by SafetyWing?

It’s important to understand what SafetyWing doesn’t cover. Their plans typically don’t include trip cancellation, pre-existing conditions, or routine checkups. Additionally, they have coverage limits, so it’s important to understand what the maximum payout is for different scenarios. There are also limitations on coverage for certain activities, like extreme sports.

Is SafetyWing right for me?

SafetyWing is a great option for travelers looking for affordable medical coverage during their adventures. If you’re a remote worker living abroad or a frequent traveler, SafetyWing’s plans offer flexibility and peace of mind. However, if you need trip cancellation coverage or extensive medical care, you might want to consider a more comprehensive travel insurance plan.

Can I buy SafetyWing insurance if I’m already traveling?

One of the advantages of SafetyWing is that you can purchase their Nomad Insurance plan even if you’re already abroad. This is a big advantage for travelers who forget to purchase travel insurance beforehand. However, there may be waiting periods for certain coverages, so be sure to check the details before assuming immediate protection.

Does SafetyWing cover lost or stolen belongings?

SafetyWing Nomad Insurance offers limited coverage for lost or stolen belongings. The amount of coverage varies depending on the policy. It’s crucial to review the policy details to understand what items are covered and up to what value. They have an optional add on for theft coverage.

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